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Fine and Fake Jewellery

Gold in Egypt 3000 BCIn the ancient world gold was the preferred metal for making jewellery. It was rare, did not tarnish and best of all it was malleable, so it could be worked fairly easily.Magnificent bracelets, pendants, necklaces, rings, armlets, earrings, diadems, head ornaments, pectoral ornaments and collars of gold were all produced in ancient Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs.Excavations by Howard Carter in 1922 led to the great discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb and many gold funerary artefacts, all showing the art work of ancient Egypt.Left - Gold funeral mask of King Tutankhamun.Gold and Gems in Greece 1400 BCIn ancient Greece, beads shaped as natural forms like shells, flowers and beetles were manufactured on a large scale. Beautiful and delicate necklaces and earrings were found in burial sites in Northern Greece. By 300 BC the Greeks were making multi coloured jewellery and used emeralds, garnets, amethysts and pearls. Right - Greek earrings.They also used coloured stones, glass and enamel. Carved cameos of Indian Sardonyx (a striped brown pink and cream agate stone) along with filigree gold work were widely made. Beads were made by joining two flat pieces of gold and filling them with sand.Italian Gold and Roman CoinageEight centuries BC the Italian Etruscans in the Tuscany region produced granulated textured gold work. They made large fibulae or clasps, necklaces, bracelets and earrings. They also made pendants that were hollow and could be filled with perfume. The Italians are still renowned for high quality stylish trend making gold work today.In coinage the Romans used 18 and 24 carat gold. Being fairly easily available the coinage was the craftsman's raw material for decorative jewel work. 2000 years ago the Romans were using sapphires from Sri Lanka, cloudy emeralds, garnets, amber and Indian diamond crystals. When England was under Roman rule, fossilized wood called jet from the North of England was carved into interesting pieces.C13th Medieval Sumptuary LawsSumptuary Laws in C13th Medieval Europe came into force and capped luxury in dress and jewellery. Townspeople in France, were not allowed to wear girdles or coronals made of pearls, gemstones, gold or silver. Similar laws existed in England. The fact that these laws forbade yeomen and artisans from wearing gold and silver indicates how the status of jewellery and sumptuous dress had become widespread beyond just the nobility.Gems and Pearls Real and FakeJewels have always been used as love tokens and whilst many pieces were fine gems and precious metals, good fake jewellery intended to deceive existed. True gemstones and pearls originated from the east and were bought chiefly by the Italians. The Italian merchants then sold the goods on in Europe. Good glass imitations were often used and sometimes with intent as in royal funerary robes and children's jewellery.Flawless, round, natural, large white pearls were prized more than precious gemstones. The finest of pearls were provided by South India and the Persian Gulf. The Italians, particularly the Venetians and people from Murano, could make imitation glass gems and pearls that were very good likenesses of the real jewels. Recipes for false pearls existed in 1300 when white powdered glass mixed with albumen (egg white) and snail slime, produced beads that were used as imitation pearls.The Importance of C17th Earrings and Dress OrnamentsIn the C17th a woman always donned her earrings whether dressed or undressed. By day fake pearl earrings and paste earrings to coordinate with clothing were acceptable. Fine diamond jewellery was kept for evening and embroidered stomachers which formed part of the dress frontage, could be decorated by jewels.Suites of left and right coordinating jewelled pieces called dress ornaments decreased in size as they were placed down the stomacher. Sometimes the sleeves or skirts were decorated with smaller matching brooches.Dress ornaments in the form of diamond bows and shuttles. As many as 42 shuttles could be used to decorate a dress.17th Century Fake Pearls and Strass Paste GemsIn the 1630s large quantities of pearls were used as clothing accessories. To be truly fashionable pearls needed to be worn in abundance. In the C17th, Jaquin of Paris patented a method of making fake pearls. He coated blown glass hollow balls with varnish mixed with iridescent ground fish scales. The hollow balls were then filled with wax to strengthen them. This method made Paris the main producer of fake pearls for over 200 years.Paste is a compound of glass containing white lead oxide and potash. Paste jewellery was usual in the 1670s and was worn at court. The best and most long lasting paste jewellery was produced after 1734 by Georges Strass. Most fake jewellery was Paris led. Just about any kind of fake gem could be made, including fake opals. Many pieces of fake jewellery have survived in their original setting, but fine estate pieces of real gems were often broken up for resetting into more fashionable styles of the era.After 1760 the production of fake jewellery spread to London and to Birmingham. Steel which was produced easily during the industrial revolution was used for settings for marcasite and jasper ware cameos. Glass and Wedgwood porcelain paste cameos were made in English factories and were very popular too.Ornate shoe buckles of paste, steel and tin were part of fashionable dress. A similar fad at this time were elaborate paste jewelled buttons, fashionable in British society. As well as fake jewellery gaining popularity, semi precious jewels such as uncut garnets became usual as part of less formal day dress.Empire JewelleryWhen Napoleon eventually emerged as Emperor of France in 1804 he revived jewellery and fashion as a new court of pomp and ostentatious display evolved.'Joailliers' worked fine jewellery and 'bijoutiers' used less precious materials.The members of the new French imperial family had the former French royal family gems re-set in the latest neo-classical style. These new trends in jewellery were copied in Europe and particularly England. Greek and Roman architecture were the main influence for designs as famous discoveries of ancient treasure had not yet happened.Parures Parures were a matching suite of coordinating precious gems which could include a necklace, a comb, a tiara, a diadem, a bandeau, a pair of bracelets, pins, rings, drop earrings or and cluster stud earrings and possibly a belt clasp. Both Josephine and later Napoleon's second wife had magnificent sets of Parures.Right - Parure consisting of bracelet, necklace, ring and earrings.TO TOP OF PAGECameosAfter Napoleon's cameo decorated coronation crown was seen, cameos were the rage.Sometimes cameos were carved from hardstone, but more often from substitutes like conch shells and set pieces of Wedgwood porcelain.Left - Carved cameo scene.Victorian JewelleryWhen Queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837 jewellery was romantic and nationalistic. It gave attention to the pressure of European folk art, which later influenced the Arts and Crafts Movement. Until mid century most western jewellery came from Europe, but soon jewellery began to be made in America and Australia.Although jewellery had been made by multiple methods of production for centuries, mid Victorian mass production in Birmingham (England), Germany and Providence, Rhode Island meant that standards were lowered.Victorian women rebelled when they saw some of the machine made jewellery on offer, although much of what has survived is of good quality. Many wore no jewellery at all, or bought from the artist craftsman jewellers who emerged at much the same time.Some jewellers like Tiffany began to make fine jewellery of such high standard that they soon opened shops in main cities of Europe.Right - Victorian garnet necklace.Mourning JewelleryThere was a huge fashion for mourning jewellery which highlights how sentimental the Victorian age was. The initial months of mourning were unadorned by jewellery of any kind. As the mourning rituals increased, mourning jewellery developed as a fashion item. Jet jewellery was worn a great deal by Queen Victoria after Prince Albert's death.Jet from Whitby, North of England was set into mourning pieces. All types of material that were black were used and almost all included a lock of the dead loved one's hair. Hair was also plaited, braided or twisted very tightly until it became hard and thread like. To many of us living in the twenty first century the use of hair is an unattractive side of some antique jewellery.Arts and Crafts JewelleryThe new design philosophy of Arts and Crafts that sprang up after 1870 was a reaction to mass produced goods and inferior machine made products. It was a reaction to the shoddy interior and ornamental products of the industrial revolution. Leaders of the movement in England included William Morris and John Ruskin and they promoted simple Arts and Crafts of designs based on floral, primitive or Celtic forms worked as wallpapers, furniture and jewellery.The polished stones used in Arts and Crafts jewellery gave a medieval, simpler, gentler, tooled hand made look and feel to items. People inspired by the movement to produce work of a more individual nature included Liberty of London and Renee Mackintosh of Glasgow. By 1900, Arts and Crafts as a movement declined, so Art Nouveau, a more ostentatious version started in France took root.Art NouveauArt Nouveau jewellery follows curving sinuous organic lines of romantic and imaginary dreaminess, with long limbed ethereal beauties sometimes turning into winged bird and flower forms. The movement began in Paris and its influence went throughout the Western world.The Frenchman René Lalique was the master goldsmith of the era of Art Nouveau producing exquisite one off pieces. As an art movement today, the style is still admired and still copied.Magnificent floral and botanical forms often worked in enamel were inexpensive and became so popular once mass-produced, that the Art Nouveau style declined.Queen Alexandra's PearlsMost fine jewellery in the 1900s was white and made from either diamonds or pearls. Queen Alexandra initially wore dog collar chokers, called a 'collier de chien' to cover a small scar on her neck. Left - Queen Alexandra who wore pearls from neck to waist.For state occasions and formal events she plastered herself in arrangements of pearl necklaces. The rarity value of real pearls then was such that an American skyscraper exchanged hands for the price of a pearl necklace.This is not so ridiculous as it seems, as fine south sea pearls still command a high price.TO TOP OF PAGEMikimoto PearlsPearls were very fashionable, but still very, very costly. After the 1890s Kokichi Mikimoto of Japan produced highly acceptable cultured pearls by placing a small bead into an oyster shell. The bead coated itself with nacre (mother of pearl) and so good looking pearl jewels became more affordable.When I see Mikimoto pearls today I always think their lustre far surpasses any other pearl made this way.PearlsVarious combinations of pearl necklaces come in and out of fashion with regularity so pearls too are a must. Both fake and real freshwater or cultured pearls are very affordable today. Many are now bought from China since trade opened up in the nineties. The price of pearls has dropped by about a fifth in the past 10 years and the Chinese are making waves in the pearl world with their cheaper prices. The Japanese have suffered disease in their pearl beds as well as facing competition and are finding it hard to compete with China's prices.Pearl necklaces and pearl earrings can lift a complexion and bring light and radiance to the face taking years off a woman whatever her age. If you can afford it, invest in a pair of Mabe pearl earrings. They have a wonderful white glow with a size about one centimetre across and look expensive. Expect to pay about £300 for a pair trimmed with 9ct gold. Look after them by rubbing gently with a pure silk scarf, store in their original box and always put them on after applying perfume and hair products. A matching real pearl necklace freshwater or cultured, will enhance them and you.Pearls are currently back in fashion again and with the modern twist of being interspaced on gold wire or floating on special synthetic cord they are essential to the millennium look. Look out for variations too on drop pearl earrings in the next year or so. PPCocktail JewelleryIn the 1920s Lalique designed good mass produced quality glass jewellery. Fake, or costume jewellery was sometimes then called cocktail jewellery. It was greatly influenced by Coco Chanel (1883-1971) and Elsa Schiaparelli (1890-1973). They both encouraged clients to use costume jewellery and to mix it with genuine gem pieces they already owned. Both designers offered imagination and fun and both often sported fabulous fakes.In the late 1930s Napier of the USA was at the forefront of manufacturing fake cocktail jewels, which offered glamour and escapism. Napier still produces excellent contemporary costume pieces.Hollywood InfluenceBy the 1940s and 1950s American culture was very dominant in Europe. The influence of movie films and the prominence of film stars set the fashion in manners, make-up, hair and clothes. People wanted look alike copies of outfits and jewellery worn by screen idols. It was widely believed that Hollywood glamour would rub off on you if you had the clothes and developed the look.The Second World War in Europe halted production of fine jewellery when metals were rationed. New estate type, fine precious metal and gem jewellery was simply not available. Quality costume jewellery which was flourishing in America, became much more acceptable and was a real alternative to fine jewellery.Because of technical advances in production methods, a huge range of styles was available from America, and since it was so popular the market became dynamic and inventive and affordable.1980's Television Influence - Dynasty, Dallas and DiamanteIn the 1980s there was a huge revival of costume jewellery after the glitzy scenes from the television soap operas Dynasty and Dallas were watched by 250 million viewers in the consumer boon of the 1980s. Diamante by day became the norm in reality and earrings reached such huge proportions that the 1990s saw a reaction which quickly dated lavish dress jewellery as the fashion for tiny real diamond studs or a fine stud pearls became the only earring to wear. As soon as the fashion was declared dead by everyone, including grandmothers, it was revived again in 2000AD by the fashion cognoscenti. Now fabulous fakes, especially brooches have gained ground once more.Jewellery for the 21st CenturyCostume jewellery can enliven a fashion wardrobe and bring a dash of panache especially for one off special occasions. Costume jewellery can be superb. The superb is usually plated at least seven times with 18 or 22 ct gold.For example Joan Rivers does a range of good costume jewellery modelled on original fine gem pieces. One of her trademarks is to make jewellery doubly useful and she produces sets of interchangeable earrings, pendants and tennis bracelets. For example you might be able to slip a range of up to 10 different coloured stones, pearls or Swarovski crystals into an 18ct gold plated earring to vary the look. Her jewellery is exclusive to the QVC shopping channel in the UK and she is constantly working on new ideas such is her enthusiasm.Highest grade Cubic Zirconium man made imitation diamonds often set in precious metals is of such a good standard that almost everyone can afford to have attractive jewellery.The best crystals used in costume jewellery are the first grade crystals that the top Austrian firm Swarovski can offer. Butler and Wilson costume brooch.Some of the costume jewellery I have come to love, comes from companies like Ciro, Adrian Buckley, Butler and Wilson, Swarovski Crystal Jewelry Napier, Joan Rivers, Joan Collins, Christian Dior, California Crystal, Property of A Lady and of course Kenneth J Lane.

Consolidating Debt Online

Consolidating debt online can be a daunting task. If your finances are messed up, sooner or later you may end up searching for a debt consolidation company online that can help you stay on course. Listed below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of online debt consolidation.AdvantagesYou can search from the comfort of your home even in the middle of the night.You can research enough before you commit to a debt consolidation company. Online posting and chats will reveal a lot of information you may not be knowing about the debt consolidation company you are about to do business with online.You can find the website of the debt consolidation company and read every single page on how they help their clients.You won't have to schedule an appointment or go see someone in person.DisadvantagesHere are a few disadvantages of online debt consolidation companies:You will rely and make decision based on their website and other people you find online.If you need someone in person, you may not be able to do so especially if the chosen office is in another city or state.If you are dealing with debt consolidation charlatans, chances are they might overnight close their business and you will lose your money.Before you commit to a debt consolidation firm online, make it a point to do a lot of research and pour in hours of hard work before you select a company that works for you.--------------------------------------------------

Hostgator Web Hosting

If you need affordable, reliable web hosting Hostgator is both. I have heard excellent things about them from my fellow webmasters so I decided to inform my readers. They have hosting plans from $6.95 a month an an excellent reputation for customer service and reliabliity. So have a look and I hope this benefits you in some way in your efforts to make money online

Why most Loans are Homeowners only

Why most Loans are Homeowners only If you have been on the lookout for a loan and you are not a homeowner, you may be struggling to find a loan which actually accepts you. There are lots of loans advertised on television, on the Internet and even in magazines and they build a picture that if you call them to arrange a loan everything will be alright. However, when you do call them up you realise that they do not actually accept you due to the fact that you do not own your own home and the circle then continues.So just why is this? Why do homeowners get the loans and tenants don’t? Well quite simply because homeowners secure their loans on their houses. It is less of a risk for loan companies to lend to homeowners because they will do anything not to miss a payment. Missed payments when a loan is secured on your home could mean that you actually lose that home and that is definitely not an option for most people! Tenants on the other hand do not have anything to secure their loan on and that means that it is more of a risk to lenders.So, that is why homeowners get all of the loans and tenants suffer a lot more. Also, if you do manage to get a tenant loan you will notice that you can only borrow up to £25,000 whereas homeowners can borrow practically as much as they want to.

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Do you have a poor credit rating but still need a Loan?

Do you have a poor credit rating but still need a Loan?If you are one of the unlucky people who has a bad credit rating, you may feel constantly frustrated at the limits it puts onto your life. Perhaps you would like a bad credit mortgage but because of your bad rating no company will lend you the money? Or maybe you simply want to open a bank account and they will not allow it due to your poor credit rating? Thousands of people are forced into taking out basic accounts due to poor credit ratings and also if they ever need credit they are unable to find it anywhere. However, there are companies especially set up to help so if you do have a poor credit rating you really do not need to worry.Loan companies who are set up especially for people with bad credit know what they are doing. They offer these loans but they come at sometimes such a ridiculously high price. These higher interest rates are there because they are taking a risk by lending you the money. So, if you do have a poor credit rating you will be able to find a poor credit personal loan from somewhere but you should expect to pay a really high price for one!So, if you want to take out a loan with your poor credit rating, do some research first and that way you can be sure to get the best price possible.

A Guide to Getting a Debt Consolidation Loan UK

If you're getting in over your head with credit, you might consider getting a debt consolidation loan UK . This loan is designed to pay off at least a portion if not all of your outstanding debts, allowing you to have either reduced payments or in some cases only the single payment of the loan itself to repay.If you're looking for a debt consolidation loan UK , there are several factors that you might want to consider to find the loan that's right for you.Different banks and lenders may offer different terms for a debt consolidation loan UK , and you want to make sure that you get the best deal for the money that you can.Some of the factors that can affect your chances are your credit rating, the value and type of collateral that you're putting up to secure the loan, and of course the total amount that you need to borrow.Let's look at each of these factors individually and how to maximize your deal on a debt consolidation loan UK .Credit RatingYour credit rating is the score by which lenders and potential creditors determine how much of a risk you are to extend credit to.The lower your credit rating score, the more of a credit risk you are; the higher the score, the less of a risk.Obviously, if you're trying to get a debt consolidation loan UK then you're probably closer to the low end of the scale… but trying to get help before you get too low is a good way to lessen the negative impact of your credit rating on the loan interest you'll have to pay.When things begin to get out of control and you find yourself in debt beyond your means to pay it back in a reasonable amount of time, that's the time to try to get a help… if you wait, your credit rating may drop lower and you'll have to pay more in the end.CollateralIn most cases, you'll have to put up some type of collateral in order to secure your debt consolidation loan UK . This can allow you to get a larger loan while paying lower interest rates, since the lender has some form of property that they can possess and sell if you fail to repay what you've borrowed.The most common forms of collateral are automotive titles and real estate deeds, and both are very effective… after all, they're larger-value items, and they give you a good incentive to repay your debt.Just make sure that you have insurance… if not, the lender may either require it or drop the value of the collateral considerably.Total AmountThe amount that you want to borrow is obviously a big consideration in getting a debt consolidation loan UK . Borrow the lowest amount that you can while still taking care of all of your debts (or at least the largest debts.)You also need to make sure that the amount you borrow is much lower than the value of your collateral… this usually entitles you to a much lower interest rate.--You may freely reprint this article provided the following author's biography (including the live URL link) remains intact:About The AuthorJohn Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help homeowners find the best available loans via the http://www.directonlineloans.co.uk/ website.Get Free Content at ContentMart.com

10 Pointers on College Loan Consolidation

Should I consolidate my college loans or not?1. Still in school, yes! Rates are low, but they're scheduled to go up. Your college loan payments will then remain as manageable as possible when you leave school. If you have graduated, or will be graduating this May or June, yes! Graduates can lock in historical low rates, and reduce their monthly payments more than half. You can lock in a rate even while still in school, and even if you have been out of school for a couple of years can get a good deal, too.2. The newest twist in the consolidation puzzle is the "in school consolidation", affecting students who are currently enrolled and will be enrolled past the July 1 consolidation. You can consolidate your existing college loans now to secure the low rates for at least part of their student loan portfolio. 3. Consolidating could save thousands of dollars in interest payments on college loans. There are impending student loan rate changes and new interpretation of regulations by the Department of Education, also, Congress is considering ending the fixed-rate program. Experts are urging students to consolidate to relieve themselves of a higher debt load.4. Many students and families are looking for a simple, clear answer about whether to consolidate college loans or not. The simple answer is to take some of the bite out of the debt by loan consolidation. You could live like a miser and save as much money as possible or consolidate your federal student loans now. 5. For students still in school, you have an opportunity to choose consolidation. Consolidating would put a college loan borrower into repayment status, but the student can defer payments until after graduation by making a deferment request. Consolidating today can have payments put off until graduation. 6. The federal loan program allows consolidation, which is when a borrower pools his student debts together so that only one monthly payment is necessary, rather than several. It's not just the convenience of one payment that is making consolidation so compelling. The most significant aspect of the program is that it allows a person to permanently lock in a lower interest rate on loans. These loans are backed by, or granted directly by, the federal government.7. Rates for federal Stafford loans, the most prevalent type of student loan, as well as some other types of federal student loans are set annually based on the rate of 91-day U.S. Treasury bills at the end of May. The exact rate won't be known until the end of the month, but experts say it will be about 2 percentage points higher. (Private loans and federal loans cannot be consolidated together.)8. For the first time, the U.S. Department of Education will allow students still in school to consolidate federally backed loans. Federal PLUS loans can also be consolidated. PLUS loans are used to help pay the cost higher education.9. Students, regardless of enrollment, should absolutely consolidate their college loans, arranged through the student's lender. There are no fees, no credit checks, and interest rates are expected to move higher. Those are good reasons to consolidate. 10. Act quickly to put lock on current federal-aid interest rates. Graduates should act now to insulate themselves from a drastic rate change. Apply early. Do not wait until the last minute to file paperwork. Those who have already graduated or left school should not wait to investigate consolidation. In the first six months after graduation, you are in a grace period. Within that six-month window, you can lock in a low rate on Stafford loans and spread the repayment over as long as 30 years. If you're going to consolidate, now is the best time to do it.About the AuthorGeorgio Heberto is dedicated to offering news, articles, and instruction on financing college education. You have a definite choice in how you finance your education and beyond. Visit http://www.atopeducation.com/ for more information.Get Free Content at ContentMart.com

16.4% APR $5,000 Auto Loan…HELP!

Are you the victim of a high interest rate auto loan? If so, the following email discussion may help you. Read on:DEAR LoanResources.Net:I was very impressed with your article entitled "8 Point Checklist, Evaluating Online Lenders."I have tried several sources to refinance my auto. I only have 2 more years to pay $245.04 a month. I owe 4,414.00 on the car loan.This may not seem like a lot of money but I would like a lower interest rate on my car loan which is now $16.4% APR.I want to still pay it off in 24 months but at a lower rate so that I can use the money saved to help pay off other bills.In my internet searches, the auto refinance loans required that you borrow more money than I need. I tried to search for unsecured personal loans on your website and they also required that I borrow more money.I have a very good credit record and I am working to get some of my bills paid off.Is there anything you can suggest so that I can get a lower rate auto loan for under $5,000? Any assistance will be appreciated.Thanks. Geraldine W.***DEAR Geraldine:Sorry I have not gotten back to you sooner. I took a couple weeks off to be with family...Thanks for the compliment on the article!Anyway, I read your email and I do indeed have a suggestion or two that I'm happy to share.A COUPLE THINGS INITIALLY:1. First, you’re paying a very high interest rate at 16.4% APR for an auto loan! I'm going to assume that your statement as to your good credit is accurate. If that's true, then you do indeed need to fix this.2. Since you only need $5000, with the intention of paying it off in 2 years or less, I don't think you should look for a refinance auto loan or a refinance on your home. Indeed, the bank is going to want to loan you much more money, usually at least $25,000. While a refinance or equity loan on your home does offer tax benefits, we’re only talking about interest on $5,000 over the course of 2 years. I have another idea you may not have considered.HAVE YOU CONSIDERED?Have you considered just putting the balance of your car loan on a credit card that has a lower interest rate?1. Credit Cards are, indeed, unsecured lines of credit with financial institutions.2. They are the perfect financial vehicle for a $5,000 transfer of debt, with added flexibility, and you should be able to find an interest rate between 9 to 11%, and better, on average.3. IN ADDITION! Once approved, the bank will usually give you blank checks for balance transfers (sometimes they'll just do it for you right over the phone)…,4. AND GUESS WHAT? The majority of the time, the incentive interest rates on the balance transfers are EXTREMELY low; sometimes zero percent for up to 6 months to a year.5. IN ADDITION! you can apply for incentive cards that provide rewards for your spending....free airline miles, cash back programs, etc. I use the American Express Blue, and I get cash back of up to 3% on everything I spend. So, for $5,000, 3% cash back, AMEX™ pays me $150.How do you like them apples? The bank pays YOU to borrow money.RECOMMENDED PLAN OF ACTION:So, Geraldine, here's what I recommend you do:1. Go back to our website, and explore the credit card offers we’ve recommended. We’ve picked out what we think are the best offers, and there are a LOT of them, so think of it as a much needed shopping trip! Pay particular attention to our links for "incentive cards". We have two pages of them.2. Apply for whatever card or cards suit your tastes and needs. There are so many great reward cards. Limit yourself to only your imagination.3. Get approved, receive card, and receive balance transfer checks.4. Pay off loan to 16.4% bank!5. Pay off credit card loan (with extremely low rate and incentives), at your leisure!…And enjoy the fact that you just made an excellent financial move, saved money, made money, and gave yourself the flexibility to manage your debt on your own schedule...Hope this helps...Let me know how it all works out.Sincerely, Tom LevineWebmaster, LoanResources.Netinfo@loanresources.nethttp://loanresources.net/We’ve enjoyed providing this information to you, and we wish you the best of luck in your pursuits. Remember to always seek out good advice from those you trust, and never turn your back on your own common sense.Publisher’s Directions:This article may be freely distributed so long as the copyright, author’s information, disclaimer, and an active link (where possible) are included. For more information about mortgages, debt consolidation, credit repair, and all other forms of consumer loan, credit, and debt products, please visit our website at http://loanresources.net/ .Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in the articles, reviews and other materials herein are those of the authors. While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. The author will not be held responsible for any claim, loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any information within these pages or any information accessed through this site.Copyright 2004, by LoanResources.NetTom Levine provides a solid, common sense approach to solving problems and answering questions relating to consumer loan products. His website seeks to provide free online resources for the consumer, including rate-watch, tips and articles, financial communication, news, and links to products and services. You can check out Tom's website here: http://loanresources.net/, or you can email Tom at info@loanresources.net.Get Free Content at ContentMart.com

4 Good Reasons to Get a Refinance Home Loan

Refinance Your Home Now and Lower Your Interest RateWhat is a refinance home loan? A refinance home loan or a home loan refinance is a new loan obtained through your lender or a new lender to pay off existing loan. However, you may opt to apply for a lower interest rate and or cash out on your homes equity.When should I refinance my home? It is a known fact that interest rates are lower than they have been in years. This is due to our fast paced and ever changing economy and market. Now would be the perfect opportunity to refinance your home to obtain a lower interest rate. Even a .25 difference can save you thousands of dollars a year in mortgage payments. Why should I refinance my home?There are several reasons home owners decides to refinance. The four most common reasons include:To obtain a lower interest rateHome owner generally are aware of interest rate down fall. They take advantage of this opportunity by applying to a refinance loan to lower their existing interest rates and save money on mortgage expenses. The money that a borrower saves on mortgage expenses can be invested in other financial investments.To receive a refinance cash outSome home owners who have enough equity accumulated in their homes refinance to cash out their equity and get a lower interest rateTo make home improvementsSooner than later you will find that maintaining your home is hard work (not to mention quite expensive). In most cases, home owners will pursue a refinance, rather than a personal loan, in order to save on interest rates. A personal loan may have higher interest rates and are normally, not as large as a home improvement loan. To change loan programsA majority of home owner refinance because they are not satisfied with their current loan program. They may be under a 5 year arm, but somewhere down the line they decided they would prefer a 30 year fixed loan. Whatever the reason may be, a refinance home loan will solve the problem.What are the benefits of refinancing my home?There are several benefits included with refinancing your home, including:Your credit may be in better standings then before you purchased your home, now you can refinance and obtain a more suitable loan, with lower interest rates and terms.Or, you can obtain a home equity line of credit and have cash available when you need it.With refinance cash out, your lender can consolidate your bills and pay off all of your debt. You will not have to deal with the hassle by yourself.What are the different refinance loan options?As with a traditional loan, refinance home loans offer some of the same loan programs, such as:10/15/30 year fixedZero DownInterest OnlyAnd so onWhere can I refinance my loan?You can apply for a refinance home loan through your current lender. Or you may search for a new lender more suitable to your financial needs. This search can be done by internet search, flipping through the yellow pages, or consulting with your real estate agent.About the AuthorKhali S. founder of Home Loan Guidance - a free online guide to help discover more home loan options secrets.Get Free Content at ContentMart.com

HELLENIC HOME Five-Year Fixed Interest Rate Loan

HELLENIC HOME Five-Year Fixed Interest Rate LoanBasic CharacteristicsThis loan is targeted to persons who wish to purchase a home, or effect repairs or improvements to an existing home or property.Annual fixed interest rate: 5,00% for the pre-determined period (five years).Ability to switch to a variable interest rate or another fixed interest rate loan at the end of the five year period, depending on the specific products Hellenic Bank will offer.Loan currency: Euro.Minimum loan amount: €15.000.Maximum loan amount: up to 100% of the market value.Loan duration: 5-40 years.Frequency of loan installment payments: monthly or quarterly (depending on customer choice).Collateral: 130% of the loan amount.Ability to early settlement of the loan in part or in whole with a penalty of 2% payable on the remaining loan balance.Loan payment methods: at Hellenic Bank’s cashiers, with cash deposits, transfers from a deposit account, or by a standing order to Hellenic Bank to automatically transfer the payments from a deposit account (without fees).Basic AdvantagesVery low initial fixed interest rate of 5,00% for the first five years.Ability to offer a grace period.Low charges.Quick approval process.Free automatic payment of loan installments.Additional BenefitsA number of additional benefits are offered with the Hellenic Home Fixed interest Rate loan that cover additional needs when purchasing a home such as:Eligibility for the approval of Hellenic Bank Visa credit card (classic or gold) with two-year free membership and a 5,50% intereste rate, for the first 12 months, on credit card balance transfering from other banks.Attractive home insurance package through Hellenic Bank

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